dimanche 24 mars 2013

The prayer of Jesus through the body

The prayer of Jesus through the body

"Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who dwells in you, which ye have of God. Therefore glorify God in your body "(1 Corinthians 6: 19-20)

We are not accustomed to use the body to express our prayer. Not that we have a body, you're body! A God can also go to our physicality. Sometimes, you gain much in prayer if the body also present at this meeting.

The Lord's Prayer is the prayer of Jesus. Experience pray it with our whole body can be very rich if practiced with freedom and openness. It can be read as:

- Our Father who art in heaven.

(At the time he speaks arms rise to meet our Father. Not to seek Him in the heights. God is everywhere, but we do, in fact, an expression of our home up looking too, which is always as "beyond" of us. From God we are. He evoke, invoke and tend).

- Hallowed be thy name ...

(They cross, as he said, hands on his chest. Permeates the life that stirs within us and sanctifies their presence there is close).

- Thy Kingdom ...

(He put his arms crossed, open and unarmed, waiting for the kingdom without barriers or obstacles, without resistance. Eager and genuine attitude of welcome, to embrace, to find ... everything that life Work your way. defenseless In real opening available. Without nothing to prevent the reception of the Kingdom).

- Thy will be done on earth ...

(On his knees, touched the back of hands earth, soil. Knowing that land me. From that in my country, in my life, (and is now) has to enforce its law and its will. concrete in this land has to make clear the program of life they want to RNI. His will and not mine. CL floor, knee bent and my will. recite Everything must be done from below. humble oneself to life to not resist. assume it from the low to not harm me. For that I'm proud of anything. To recognize the gesture, he is the King and Lord, my God and my creator. And I'm down paca leave my pride that makes my life hard. And I kneel to receive love and submission to his will. rather than suffer further violence resistance of the complaint and why).

- As in the sky ...

(In the same position on his knees, arms raised, as if to touch the sky with them).

- Give us this day our daily bread ...

(Kneeling put their hands together, one above the other and stretched out in a gesture of poverty.'s Hands must be empty to ask. Should be having given everything before asking for more. Would be foolish to ask with your hands full because that will give us nothing.

We ordered the bread that feeds everything: tenderness, affection, understanding ... One day our daily bread to put on the table, so that our feed is also his. A meal of bread to give love to those around us. The bread is to put it on the table and you go "rolled" by all hands. Affordable to all. A bread to share with those at home as the main food of the day).

- Forgive us our trespasses ...

(Also on his knees, leaning the body to touch the ground with the forehead and feel the need to be forgiven for all that we need).

- As we forgive those who trespass against us ...

(They open then feeling our forgiveness, arms at right, left ... as if that gesture could embrace everyone.'s An act of reconciliation with all, with all creation).

- Lead us not into temptation ...

(Standing, arms protecting his face, foot to foot forward to seek a position of strength and stability for pushing us not tear down. Knowing that it is God who is protecting us from the outside and that our strength is in him).

- Deliver us from evil ...

(He raised both arms, as if they were sustained from a chalice, v remain so, as if to offer everything to God. When uploading the cup of life as a gift and we can not damage anything.'s All right if offered and it all makes a positive meaning. offered Everything is good).


(The arms are dropped into an attitude of rest throughout the body. When you pray with the heart, man finds meaning to his "amen" and rest serene attitude of neglect. Know that they are loved, forgiven, protected , heard .... and rest serene. This is how we should feel after being with God).

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